Updated: Jun 20, 2018

Jocelyn Brown, Osar Otasowie, Amani Gaddy, Kyrus Tsai, Ariana McDarby, Joseph Holbrook, Rachel Krevh, Matthew Hecker, Jerrica Brown, George Grey, Sydney White, Ethan Quinn
Updated: Jul 2, 2018

Welcome to UC! We will be posting more about their research this summer
Updated: May 5, 2018
Patricia Hanh is currently graduating from the University of Dallas. She plans to take a year of before getting back to school and pursuing a gradaute degree in chemistry.

She worked with Professor Eddie Merino and his graduate student Dr. Safnas Farwin. They Investigaed selective reactive oxygen species quenching ability of a novel self-cyclizing antioxidant and its derivatives.
Currently, Patricia has a manustript under review, and hopefully she will be a published author shortly!
Here is a video Patricia explaining her experience in the REU program